This is The Unstoppable Singer and today, we have Sara Mann on the pod! A Los Angeles native, Sara has forged a career in music with her “velvety and effortless” voice, natural talent on piano, and acoustic guitar. A singer-songwriter from an early age, she has released several albums and EP’s over the span of two decades, including 2014’s Lullabies, produced by Doug Petty (Rihanna, Celine Dion and Shawn Colvin) and 2010’s The End of You, produced by Jeff Russo (Tonic, Fargo, Star Trek). She made her Broadway debut in Saturday Night Fever in 2001. and has been a featured singer for some incredible artists, including Muley Cyrus, Harry Belfonte, Willie Nelson, Leonard Cohen, just to name a few. She recently recorded solo and group vocals for “Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration” with H.E.R and Josh Groban. Her voice has graced many movie soundtracks and television shows, including Frozen 2, The Simpsons, Disenchanted, Wandavision, and so many more!
About your host
Danielle Tucker is a professional singer/songwriter with 25 years of experience singing country, rock, pop, gospel, & jazz. She has performed with celebrated artists like Chris Young, Jamey Johnson, Josh Gracin, Jamie O’Neil, Phil Vassar, James Otto, & Juice Newton. She currently works as a solo performer, studio artist, vocal coach/career advisor, and lead vocalist for the award-winning, San Diego-based band The Mighty Untouchables.

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