Last day to sign up for Free Kids & Teens Karaoke!
Happening tomorrow, Sunday, April 26th at 5PM
Ages 20 and under welcome
Click the sign-up link, and that will generate the zoom link for you you’re going to need that to participate.
Everything you need:
- The Zoom link
- two devices – one to watch and listen to everybody else and then you also need a second device to play your track
- Skip the second device if you intend to accompany yourself on piano or guitar
- A karaoke track to sing to!
[button style=”red” float=”left” margin=”e.g. 15″ size=”large” link=”″]Sign Up[/button]
It’s just for fun, and it’s completely free! It’s just an opportunity to be social. We’re all a bit limited right now. I know in the world of singers that right now we’re all missing our live performing opportunities. This is just one little outlet to try. I know that it can be incredibly uncomfortable to do things like this that are out of your comfort zone. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the types of things we are willing to do and go out of our comfort zones. And why would we do that to begin with? So, here’s a little story for you…
Many years ago, when I was leaving work, I got my car, and I was listening to KSON on the radio. Before I even left the parking lot, they made this announcement that they were having this singing contest called “Oceanside Idol.” It was kind of modeled after American Idol. I stopped and thought about it for a moment. I don’t know, but something in my gut just told me to call in and just do the audition. It wasn’t something that I would typically ever, ever do! But I pulled over, and I called in and did my telephone try-out. I ended up being one of their finalists in the contest, which was super, super fun. Then it turns out, I ended up winning the competition! I was awarded the opportunity to open up a Chris Young concert. That was super amazing! In the midst of all this, I developed this really cool relationship with folks at KSON. That led to so many opportunities. I did so many shows with them, and I ended up doing their Hometown Handshake Tour regularly.
It was just one simple little choice that snowballed into so many others. One thing led to another, to another, to another. Looking back, I’m just so grateful that I listened to my gut and allowed myself to do something different. I mean, you know what? Why not? What do you have to lose?
Sign up for the karaoke night! Come and have fun. And, you never know, there’s going to be a lot of other singers and musicians there. Who knows who you might connect with online.
Next week… ADULT Quarantine Karaoke!
[button style=”red” float=”left” margin=”e.g. 15″ size=”large” link=”″] Adult Sign Up[/button]
About the author
Danielle Tucker is a professional singer/songwriter with 25 years of experience singing country, rock, pop, gospel, & jazz. She has performed with celebrated artists like Chris Young, Jamey Johnson, Josh Gracin, Jamie O’Neil, Phil Vassar, James Otto, & Juice Newton. She currently works as a solo performer, studio artist, vocal coach/career advisor, and lead vocalist for the award-winning, San Diego-based band The Mighty Untouchables.

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